
Crime/Mystery, Germany 2022

The couple Christoph and Branko lead a pleasant bohemian life, somewhere between bourgeois and luxurious. The vacation trip to Saxon Switzerland that Christoph gives Bronko for his birthday, on the other hand, feels more down-to-earth. They cross the border into Saxony and things start to change. Time goes backwards, people behave cheekily, excessively and immoderately towards the friendly couple. When they arrive at their vacation home, they feel like they are being shadowed by their roommates and two forest workers. Then a staged murder: a person is pushed off a rock and lands right next to Christoph and Bronko. All rescue attempts are in vain. Instead, the two men are confronted with a video showing them as the perpetrators... “There's a veil of gray over the city that my mother hasn't washed away yet”, sang the punk band Fehlfarben in 1979 in their song “Grauschleier”. And indeed, for the birds of paradise Christoph and Branko, leaving their luxury villa filled with art objects results in an insightful freak show for ordinary citizens: “Beauty is nothing but the beginning of horror” - there is a veil of gray over Saxony. Milan Dölberg and Ferdinand Dölberg, who both study at the University of Fine Arts and plan and carry out Dadaist performances as the “Popkorn Brothers”, celebrated the premiere of their feature film debut at the Hof Film Festival. Similar to the film, the artworks of painter Ferdinand Dölberg also question the system in which we live. Mask-like faces and absurd body shapes with changing gender identities run through his works. “Grauschleier” presents itself as a colorful indie road movie with a punky musical backdrop, creating a delicious smorgasbord of absurdities - refreshingly different, against the gray veil in the monotony of stories!
87 min
Starting at 14
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Ferdinand Dölberg (Christoph)

Milan Dölberg (Bronko)

Malia Siobhan Bauer (Electra)

Paul Boche (Hedwig)

Georg Vierbuchen (Pascal)

Jasna Fritzi Bauer (Josephine)

Amelie Plümpe (Francesca)

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2.39:1 HD, Color

Age rating:

Starting at 14

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